Thursday, 12 September 2013

Canvas time :D

About the canvas, Ms.Lisa who is our lecturer had divided the class into 4 groups. Why ? Malaysia flag consist of 4 colors and each group are suppose to pick a color and with that colors , we will use various techniques and design. ( I'm in the red team, Yeay ) Ive propose 3 painting as below.  Sorry about the texture. Its not as noticeable as it is in real :)

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Finalizing MY stencil design ( Indian design )

Our design previously was based on our own creativity. Well of course some were accepted and some wasnt. So , is it possible to produce those fine designs on a stencil ? Yes of course, now is the matter of time. In the group of 7, we are now divided into group of 2 working on the same theme but different designs.

Flowers - Kashwini , Fauza & Zaina
Animals - Annabel
Face      - Ailsa
Henna    - Mathuri, Megan

 Below is my final design which I made for my stencils :-

Work produce by my group members according to the names !

Indian designs !!!

Are you wondering what are indian designs (art) ? It is the visual art produce produce onthe indian subcontinent from about the third millenium BCE to modern times. Voluptuous feeling is given usually free expression to the indian culture. A strong sense of design is also characteristic of Indian art and can be observed in its modern as well as in tradition form. For an example :- 

 Peacock design 


 Mango + combination of floral art  
 Flower design
 Henna art 
 Sculpture in the temple
Indian design jewelry 

The breakdown of workload into groups

Suggestions (canvas):
1. More details/colours on highly visible canvases
2. Colour-blocked canvases in the center (in a pattern?)

Suggestions (etc):
1. Lanterns in random sizes and placement
2. Lanterns with black and cream stenciled patterning

Stencil design groups:
Indian:                                           Chinese:
1. Mathuri (leader)                       1. Jean (leader)
2. Kashwini                                    2. Raymond
3. Annabel                                     3. Angie
4. Zainah                                        4. Jun
5. Fauza                                          5. Ching Hsin
6. Maegan                                      6. Eka
7. Ailsa

Malay:                                         Minorities:
1. Hidayah (leader)                     1. Mei (leader)
2. Farah                                        2. Sarah jane
3. Nicholas                                   3. Joceyln
4. Lisa                                           4. Jamie
5. Freeze                                       5. Hui Yu
6. Afiqah                                      6. Alvin

Schedule (estimated):
19 August: Drawing, approval of designs
21 August: Spraypainting lantern stencils
26 August: Painting canvases
28 August: Painting canvases

What to bring on Monday:
1. Abstract design (Squares, A4)
2. Lantern design (A4)
3. Materials (cutter, mounting boards, newspaper, anything you can find)

What is next ?

The other groups had also propose their ideas. Ideas will always flow as we keep thinking. Realistically, we should come up with an idea that is makeable, reasonable and beautiful which does not take a long period of time, not forgetting its suppose to be a FUN PROJECT :D . What I'm trying to say is, my fellow classmate had done a good job by thinking beyond and now its time to minimize our idea/rough sketches.
After a couple of meeting/discussion with our lecturer Ms.Lisa and the class. We have came up with a final decision. 

The final  product is making malaysia flag by canvases surrounding by lanterns as well little objects symbolizing malaysia. The canvases are going to be painted according to its color by using various techniques to show the flow of our emotions and creativity. The canvases will be floating on plastic bottles because plastic bottles are  easy to be found as it is a recycling item and it also reduces the cost of the project. ( Lets save some money for the party :P ) Whereas floating lantern or the other objects will be floating on styrofoam. Here are few sketches about the canvas concept. Personally I think to separate it into few section of colors instead of just mixing all in one canvas would make the overall look more pleasing. 

Example of our idea..

Though its not similar, this is roughly how it will look like :D
Beautiful isnt it ??

Synopsis about the garden of lantern

For this floating exhibition we are proposing the theme of a garden with lanterns. In this event we will be using bottles, wires, cans and other reusable lightweight materials to promote recycling.

Trees and bushes will be built on different floats, all in which surrounds a cottage in the middle. The cottage would be lit up from the inside using wire circuits connected to a few batteries, which is safely sheltered by the roof of the cottage to prevent water leakage and destroying the circuits.

On the trees, different types on lanterns would be hung in a row using fairy lights to light them up. Due to the windy occurrence on the lake, it is beneficial to string the lanterns together and make it sway with rhythm to the wind, as having the lanterns to be itself is hard to be lit up and exposed to the possibility of falling off the home-made trees and into the lake. To stabilize the lanterns we will be constructing using water bottles or tin cans to give weight, with the surface covered using butter paper to give the lanterns a soft glowing element.

 Four separate floats would be connected to each other to portray a story that occurs in the garden. It would surround the cottage and in order to understand the whole story one must walk around the lake to see the progressions.

On each float different types of flora and fauna will be included such as squirrels, cats, puppies, rabbits, flowers and shrubs. These will be made using bottles or wire to construct, covered in paper mache and spray painted. If it is allowed, sky lanterns could be made and lift off to the skies to provide involvement for the audience. 

Rough Sketch !!!!

So what my group have decided ? ( A garden with hanging lanterns ) :D
Are you wondering how does this even relates to our national day ?
Lanterns have been a prominent part of chinese culture for centuries. For example , chinese new year and lantern festival. Lantern festival signifies the end of Spring festival or New Year ! They were used by military to send messages and warnings. Traditionally they were hang in doorways to ward off evil spirit. Today, they remain as symbol of chinese culture and celebration. 

But why garden ?
Since Malaysia is a tropical country , we use garden to symbolize it as well to look attractive . Below are some rough sketch of our idea :-