Saturday, 15 February 2014

Visual Culture

This subject was about training us to perform a good presentation. What Ive learnt trough out this subject is to be a better speaker of course. It was had to overcome my nervousness but I somehow mange to reduce it as I have stage fright.

Ways to a good presentation :
- Face the audience
- Be aware with the amount of time you have
- Know what your key message is ( so that you don't stumble )
- Ensure the slide looks good ; with a clear heading
- Use appropriate pictures and anecdotes

For the final examination, we had to do a poster and a postcard and present it in front a few critics or evaluator i could say .
Theme : Mamma Mia ( movie )
 This is the postcard which symbolize the sunset on an idyllic Greek Island.

If you look at the poster and find it weird , it's okey because I felt the same way too. My lecturer didnt want something which was cliche. So, he asked me to think out of the box. And that is what exactly i did. Moreover, we only had 24 hours time to complete the poster. Since, Mamma Mia was a movie which was inspired by the storytelling magic of ABBA song and was set in the island of Greek, I thought of sketching out a ship with a guitar attached to it. And guess what, my lecturer really really liked that Idea. 

Finally, it's over.... 

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